Paths on the Moon

On the road again

Many years ago, I started my first blog. It was not a pretty one (by today's standards) nor a professional-looking one. Since it was my first attempt, and because my then Internet friends also used that service (and because until then I didn't even know what a "blog" was), I hosted it on the legendary LiveJournal. I must say it was a very creative period of my life. I posted regularly, I designed its look and feel, I made some friends thanks to it, and I can say that I liked it very much. Even when I fell in a "try-a-new-blogging-service-every-week" rabbit hole, I always returned to it.

But, as is often the case, I gradually started to get bored. I posted less and less and my first blog slowly died. Of course, I felt a little "guilty" about that. Not so much about the blog per se, but about my fading willingness to write a blog. So I tried in many occasions to "reactivate" my blogger self. I opened a few new blogs here and there, I wrote a few posts... And nothing. Even when I wished to write, my willingness to do it was almost non-existent (that, and my self proclaimed "lack of ideas"). And that was the end of my attempts to maintain a blog.

So, what I'm doing here? After almost a decade since the last time I wrote a blog post, I want to try again. I want to see if I can regain that spirit and write about... I don't know. Years ago I dreamed with having a blog with thousands of followers, like anyone. Maybe that was the reason I "lost" my will to blog. But now I simply want to share some thoughts, some experiences, some of my (as I liked to call them) not interesting days. And by doing that, maybe I will awaken again my writer spirit.

Carl Sagan wrote, in A Pale Blue Dot, "For all of its material advantages, the sedentary life has left us edgy, unfulfilled. [...] The open road still softly calls like a nearly forgotten song of childhood.". This quote has resonated with me in more than one occasion. And this time, that "open road" is the desire to write again, the desire to share with anyone willing to read my words a little bit of my life. Maybe it won't be something interesting, or maybe it will be, but the road is here, so I will do my best to walk it.

Let's try...



#first-post #thoughts #writing